
Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Question,

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Yes. ICAS is the gold standard in academic competition and an Australia-accredited program. ICAS is proud to be supported by the University of Sydney (known internationally as leaders in education and consistently ranked in world top 50 universities).

Yes. ICAS is an international academic competition. In the last four decades, over 10 million students from 41 countries and 16,000+ schools have sat ICAS English, Mathematics, Science, Digital Technologies, Writing or Spelling Bee papers. ICAS gives students the chance to demonstrate their academic abilities and be recognized on the global stage. Their schools will also receive national recognition as award-winning learning institutions.

ICAS competitions boost confidence, challenge students, uncover untapped potential and celebrate academic achievements. Participation in
highly regarded competitions like ICAS also stands out on a student’s CV and university applications. For younger students, it can
support applications for scholarships and entry to selective schools.

Yes. ICAS assessments provide schools with a valuable collective school performance indicator (in addition to individual student performance) which can support program development, strengthen learning outcomes and demonstrate the strength of school academic credentials. ICAS is also a valuable addition to existing extension programs in school, providing students with additional extra-curricular activities that are fun, offer real academic challenge and reward high achieving students.

ICAS competitions boost confidence, challenge students, uncover untapped potential and celebrate academic achievements. Participation in
highly regarded competitions like ICAS also stands out on a student’s CV and university applications. For younger students, it can
support applications for scholarships and entry to selective schools.

ICAS is an international competition that recognizes and rewards academic excellence in high potential students. All students that take part will receive official ICAS accreditation and a certificate recognizing their level of achievement. This might be a Participation certificate, a Merit certificate, a Credit or Distinction certificate or, for the very best students in the country, a High Distinction certificate. And then there’s the Medal. To be awarded an ICAS academic medal is a big deal. Students must achieve the HIGHEST SCORE in their region or country – and even then, their score must be deemed sufficiently meritorious when compared to other regions and countries.

Winners are recognized in different ways around the world. Some nations choose to hold online celebration events, some countries create medal recognition videos, and some hold in-person award ceremonies. National award events involve students that achieve the academic medal and their families, receiving an invitation to attend an exclusive ceremony where they will be presented with their academic medal. These prestigious events are held once a year and bring the best students from around the country together to be celebrated. 

The ICAS academic competition extends students beyond simple day-to-day application of the curriculum, rewarding those who demonstrate the ability to analyse and solve complex problems using their creativity, imagination and the application of classroom knowledge within new contexts. ICAS assessment questions are created by psychometrically-trained education experts and former teachers to stretch high potential students beyond what they may experience at school. The questions change each year and are designed to be fun and explore student passions.

Yes! ICAS is a powerful tool for discovering untapped potential and providing teachers and parents with deep insight into a student’s academic
strengths and weaknesses. ICAS evaluates individual student performance against others in the region and across the nation (as well as
internationally) and can reveal areas that may need additional teaching support.