
ICAS Science

Assess students’ scientific thinking with the ICAS Science exam

In a world full of wicked problems like pandemics, climate change and food security, science is more important and more exciting than ever before.

In recognition of the subject’s educational importance, ICAS Science assessments are designed to provide an objective ranking of students’ performance based on the curricula for the relevant year. Science skills such as experimentation, empirical observation, logical reasoning, scientific analysis and critical thinking not only help you do well in STEM subjects — they are critical components of humankind’s most successful system for pursuing knowledge: the scientific method.

The most rewarding part of doing ICAS for me was the friendly competition it fostered between myself and my classmates and other students throughout the state and country. I thought ICAS this year was quite challenging and the problems rewarding and interesting.
Science student, 2022

Skills tested for ICAS Science

Science has applications in countless fields of study and work, whether it’s looking at some of the smallest objects in the world in genetics and nanotechnology, or some of the biggest in geology and astrophysics. From the oldest disciplines such as medicine, to the newest like quantum mechanics, the universal language of chemistry to the murky depths of neuropsychology, opportunities abound for budding scientists. But even if you have no interest in working in a scientific field, the skills you learn in ICAS Science will benefit your brain, your grades, and your ability to understand and navigate the world.

More than simply a Science competition, ICAS Science assessments consist of questions written and reviewed every year by expert educators. Papers are carefully graded to stimulate interest and learning across a wide range of abilities, including gifted and talented students. Students encounter a variety of questions on real scientific stimulus materials designed to test students’ scientific skills of:


In turn, students receive a unique academic experience designed to challenge their abilities beyond the classroom, a greater understanding of where their strengths and areas of improvement lie, and recognition and encouragement of academic success.


What students do in ICAS Science

All ICAS test subjects

As the world’s global language and arguably one of the most important subjects of the Australian curriculum, English is a crucial building block for academic success.

As the foundation of STEM and a fundamental part of human thought and logic, Mathematics is a crucial building block for academic success.

In a world full of wicked problems like pandemics, climate change and food security, science is more important and more exciting than ever before.


In a digital world where technology underpins how we communicate, learn, work, and navigate our modern lives, understanding Digital Technologies is essential.

As our primary means of communication in academic, social and professional life, writing is one of the most fundamental skills to practise and master.

Spelling is more important than it seems — it lays a crucial foundation for literacy, communication and broader academic success.

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